School of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts

School of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts About

The School is embracing a Liberal Arts programme to equip the learners with a skill set that is valued most by the employers not only on the home turf but in the overseas market too. Along with the core disciplines, with an emphasis on critical thinking, communication, creative problem solving, self-expression and innovative research, the three-year undergraduate programme will make an attempt to polish the learners to become great assets for any nation. Since the programme integrates the theoretical foundation with the practical skills for the learners, it will enable the learners to become competent enough to successfully deal with the challenges they may encounter in their personal, professional and social spheres of life. The easy accessibility and the cost-effectiveness of the deliberately designed course will make it furthermore convenient for the large segments of the population to take advantage of it. The programme is in line with the international standards where learners are offered a wide range of learning experiences with a strong foundation in their disciplines.

Programmes Offered

Postgraduate Degree Min Duration Max Duration
M.A (Economics) 2 Years 4 Years
Undergraduate Degree Min Duration Max Duration
Bachelor of Arts 3 Years 6 Years
B.A. Liberal Arts (Applicable only to all previous Batches upto January 2024 Admission Cycle) 3 Years 6 Years
Diploma Min Duration Max Duration
Statistical Analysis and Research Methodology 1 Year 2 Year
Certificate Course Min Duration Max Duration
The Science of Happiness at Work Place 6 months 1 Year
Statistical Analysis and Research Methodology 6 Months 1 Year