The Science Of Happiness At Work Place

Programme The Science Of Happiness At Work Place

The certificate course in “The Science of Happiness at Work Place” aims to help learners enhance their work proficiency not only by drawing on the skills of emotional intelligence but also the virtue of happiness. The four courses are well entwined with the case studies in the programme which will offer specific practices for fostering positive emotions and building resilience to stress, mainly through mindfulness and other healthy psychosomatic activities. It would help them achieve fulfillment in their personal and social lives and will guarantee success at their workplaces. 

The objectives of the course are:

  1. 1)  To introduce the learners to the research-based benefits of experiencing happiness at work.
  2. 2)  To enable them to evaluate their level of happiness.
  3. 3)  To offer concrete strategies for fostering happiness and resilience to stress at work.
  4. 4)  To guide them to build healthy, cooperative and collaborative workplace relationships.
  5. 5)  To help them develop social and emotional intelligence for a better life.

10+2 or its equivalent are eligible to apply

Total Credits: 16 Min-Duration : 6 months | Max-Duration : 1 Year
Sr. No. Name of the Course Course Code Credit SLM (English & Punjabi) Syllabus
Semester 1
1 Introduction to Science of Happiness CSHAW I 4 - View
2 The Foundations of Happiness at work CSHAW II 4 - View
3 Measures of Happiness at Work CSHAW III 4 - View
4 Techniques for Enhancing Happiness at Workplace CSHAW IV 4 - View

Continuous Internal Assessment 30%

  1. 1)  Two assignments will be submitted for a 4-credit course and three assignments will be submitted by the learner for a 6-credit course.
  • 2)  The learner will be required to obtain thirty per cent marks as pass percentage in each assignment separately.
  • 3)  Each assignment will carry 100 marks. In the final result, assignments will carry thirty per cent weightage.

End Semester 70%

  1. 1)  The learner has to score at least 30% marks in the semester end examinations.

The learner is required to score at least 35% marks in both continuous evaluations ( assignments) as well as in semester end examinations separately. Besides, at least 40% marks in each course is required in the overall computation.

Fee Structure of University Certificate/Diploma Programmes Details:

  • Certificate Programme (Semester I) : 2300/-


1) The aforesaid fee structure is applicable to candidate enrolled under “Direct University Admission Mode”.
2) The aforesaid same fee structure is applicable to employees of Educational Institutions.
3) The Candidate enrolled under Sikhya Daat Programme must have to pay fee of 500 rupees (Per Semester).
4) There is No Fee for candidates enrolled under “Differentially Abled” Programme.
