M.a. English

Programme M.a. English

The School of Languages aims to engage the learners in analytical thinking through literary studies and to nurture a community of high values with potential for societal coordination. Masters of Arts in English at JGND PSOU is learner-centric and provides learners of different disciplines an autonomy to pursue their academic interests. The programme not only encourages learners to read classics of the world but also sensitizes them to universal human values through literary texts. While studying varied areas in this postgraduate programme, students will analyse several texts and contexts, movements, periods and critical approaches. This 80 credit programme has four papers each in all four semesters. Learners will engage with literary theory and study of language that are central to modern knowledge and communication systems. Master’s degree in the subject of English opens ample opportunities for the learners. These range from editing to publishing/media, academics to industry, teaching to research, public relations to content writing, creative/journalistic/technical writing and content development. MA in English at JGND PSOU is in consonance with the wide range of personal and career related goals. The programme addresses changes in the literacy landscape which makes it very viable. The curriculum will equip the learners with 21st century skills like critical thinking and effective communication. It emphasizes both scholarly engagement and professional competence. It will widen and deepen the knowledge of students. The programme will empower learners and enhance their skills for employability. As the ability to read between the lines gains greater prominence in the digital times, this programme will equip learners with better skills of analysis and familiarise them with research in English language and literature. The easy accessibility and cost-effectiveness of the programme makes it a preference and choice of good learners.

The Programme has been framed to achieve the following objectives: 

• To familiarise students with literary texts, intellectual debates, linguistics and communication skills.

 • To examine diverse selection of Postcolonial literature, literature emanating from various geographical regions in different periods and literary theory.

 • To acquire knowledge about different literary genres and critical approaches in English literature.

 • To develop critical thinking, scholarly practices and insights.

 • To provide competence for carrying out original, persuasive and quality research

Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from a recognised University. 

Total Credits: 80 Min-Duration : 2 Years | Max-Duration : 4 Years
Sr. No. Name of the Course Course Code Credit SLM Syllabus
Semester 1
1 Poetry-I (Chaucer to Renaissance) MAEM23101T 5 View View
Semester 2
1 Poetry-II (Restoration to Modern Age) MAEM23201T 5 View View
2 Modern Drama MAEM23202T 5 View View
3 Modern Novel MAEM23203T 5 View View
4 Basics of Linguistics, Phonetics and Communication Skills MAEM23204T 5 View View
Semester 3
1 Literary Criticism MAEM24301T 5 View View
2 Prose MAEM24302T 5 View View
3 Indian Writing in English MAEM24303T 5 View View
4 Irish Literature MAEM24304T 5 View View
Semester 4
1 Modern Literary Theory MAEM24401T 5 - View
2 American Literature MAEM24402T 5 - View
3 Postcolonial Literature MAEM24403T 5 - View
4 World Classics MAEM24404T 5 - View

The students’ progress is measured through the means of continuous evaluation and end semester examinations. 

1. Continuous Internal assessment through assignments: Assignments help the learners to recapitulate the theory and go back to the text again in case they are unable to answer a particular question. Thus, assignments will reinforce learning in distance and open learning system of education. The assignments will consist of a set of questions and activities. The assignments will be submitted online by learners. Two assignments will be submitted by the learner for each course. The assignments will cover all or any types of questions (long answer type, short answer type, objective type, multiple choice questions and case studies). Learners will have to obtain thirty-five percent marks as pass percentage in each assignment separately. Each assignment will carry 100 marks. In the final result, assignments will carry thirty percent weightage.

 2. End Semester Examinations: End semester examination is the major component of the evaluation system and carries seventy percent weightage in the final result. The University will conduct end semester examination twice a year i.e., in June and in December. The learners can take the examination only after the completion of the course, failing which they can take the same in December or June of subsequent years but within the total span of the programme. In case any student fails to get a pass score in end semester examination, they will be eligible to reappear in the next semester end Examination for that course, as and when it is held but within the total span of the programme only. 9 The learner is required to score at least 35% marks in both continuous evaluation (i.e.in assignments) as well as in semester end examinations separately. Besides, at least 40% marks in each course is required in the overall computation.

The learner is required to score at least 35% marks in both continuous evaluations (i.e.in assignments) as well as in semester end examinations separately. Besides, at least 40% marks in each course is required in the overall computation.

Fee Head Details(ODL Mode)

Semester 1: 5000/-

Semester 2: 3700/- 

Semester 3: 4200/- 

Semester 4: 3700/-

Fee Head Details (Educational Institution-Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff/ SC)

Semester 1: 3000/-   

Semester 2: 2700/- 

Semester 3: 3200/- 

Semester 4: 2700/-


The Candidate enrolled under Sikhya Daat Programme must have to pay fee of 500 rupees.
There is no Fee for candidates enrolled under "Differentially Abled" Programme .

  • Dr. Navleen Multani
  • Associate Professor
  • School of Languages
  • navleen{dot}multani{at}psou{dot}ac{dot}in
  • 9878200051